Community Resources
Where Can Immigrants Get Help ?
After Immigrants immigrate to the U.S. where can they get help? As we put our foot in their shoes we came up with 5 main things Immigrants need help with. We came up with was that immigrants need help with Education, Jobs, Mental health, Driver license, and Finding a Community.

As immigrants and when they have a green card and after learning English they could go to a community college to earn their diploma and work at a job. But if they already had work back in their area they have to take a test base on their department.

Driver License:
As of May 2017, twelve states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Vermont, and Washington), the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have laws in their books that allow illegal aliens to obtain a driver's license or some type of driving permit.

Immigrants can attend free adult schools to learn English. Mostly every city has a adult school near it. It is all usually free and has many other programs too in it.

Finding A Community:
Finding a community is easier now, you can use the internet for places that have the same type of people around you. For example Chinatown is more populated with Chinese people, Glendale is more populated with Armenian people, and La Puente is more populated with Hispanic people.

Mental Help:
Immigration could be a very traumatizing experience. If help is reach out to