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Struggles of Life

Nisrine, a 10 year old little girl constantly move to Thailand and Lebanon. The time that she lived in Lebanon was fun besides all the violence that was going on. She would usually have parties and hangout in the wilderness and climb high trees. Something really dangerous happened to her which was her falling out of a 2 story building.She had 2 homes one in the city an another in the wilderness. There was lots of violence, because it Lebanon you need to marry your own religion and Nisrine parents were 2 different religions. Her mom was Catholic and her dad was drew, that is what caused most of the problems because many people were against that. Her and her family's lives were threatened and they felt unsafe. Instead Nisrine and her family moved to Thailand to be safer. It took MONTHS to move to the U.S, because they had to get their important things and get the right paperwork. The journey ended up being a success. The only belongings they had were clothes and passport, because everything was stolen. Nisrine ended up coming to the U.S with her family and they were glad that they were finally safe. When she came here it was hard for her to adjust. She really didn't know who she was as a person. She would wear proper clothing like skirts and her nails would be painted. She would have her earrings in and she would act different from other people. Her life here ended up being successful, because she received an education just like she wanted to. She says " Im now married with the love of my life," she has wonderful kids that she loves with all her heart. Nisrine is glad she is here, her family is safe, and they are happy. She has accomplished her goal of being a teacher, she is a middle school counselor.

Alvarado Intermediate School
8th Grade Mrs. Sember's Class
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